<UPDATE: 6/08/2003> MacMagician walks into his long-abandoned tower, brushing cobwebs out of his hair as he steps through the doorway. Closing the door behind him sends up a cloud of dust, which sets him to coughing and sneezing. The noise wakes up a large number of bats who had taken residence in the roof, who start shrieking around the tower. Running from the bats, Mac crashes into a bookcase, knocking its contents all over himself. Struggling back to his feet, he grabs a large rope dangling from the ceiling next to him, which activates the magical cleaning system. The bats are shooed out by a blast of electricity, the cobwebs and dust are cleared away, and the bookcase rearranges itself. Fires magically leap to life, restoring heat and light to the building. Outside, the large sign that reads "MacMagician's Pad" is magically lit. The searchlights on the roof turn on, sending beams of glowing light high into the sky. Mac climbs the central staircase, wending his way higher and higher, unti he reaches a large trapdoor set into the very ceiling of the tower. Climbing onto the roof, Mac calls out, "MACMAGICIAN IS BACK!" As he turns to reenter his tower, a large swarm of bats vengefully picks him up, carries him to a nearby lake, and releases him. The bats screech happily to themselves as a large SPLASH resounds throughout the lands.
Check back in about a week for new content! I've got a great new Cosrin-related short story in the works, and I'm revamping some of the old (mid-2001!) content.